Table of Contents



In the first Lab, we Learned

  1. Bring the contact into Webex Contact Center and hear welcome message
  2. Queue the contact to Live Agent after hearing welcome prompt

Lab Objective

In this section, we will go over the steps that are required to offer a Menu and an opt_Out options to the caller. In this Lab you will learn the following

  1. Adding menu to Flow
  2. Creating Local Variable and using that in flow
  3. Offering Opt_Out option (Callback and Voicemail) to the caller after 10 seconds in the queue
  4. Make call and opt for a callback and make sure caller receives the callback.


  • All previous labs are completed successfully

Control Hub:
Agent Desktop:\

Lab Section

Create Queue and Team


  1. From portal –>provisioning –>Create new Team, name is Team1
  2. Make sure to select the same Site as User belongs to
  3. Select default Multimedia Profile

Create Queue

  1. From portal –>provisioning –>Create new queue, name is Dummy_Queue
  2. add call distribution group aka Teams, Team 1
  3. make sure give service level threshold time (preferably 3600) and service level threshold

Agent Login

Follow the steps from Lab1 and login in Agent

Agent Desktop: **

While login into agent desktop make sure to choose Extension and correct Team

Set the Agent status to Not Ready

Flow configuration

  1. Copy the Lab1 flow by clicking on 3 dot

  2. Remove Play message node

  3. Drag and Drop Menu Node and connect NewPhoneContact node to MenuNode

  4. i) Click on Menu node, rename it to MainMenu and

    ii) Select 1_main_main.wav file

    iii) Add 3 custom menu link 1,2,3 and add respective Descriptions

  5. Drag and drop Queue contact node and select Dummy_Queue created

  1. To Set QueueCounter Variable

    i) Click anywhere on the Flow canvas

    ii)Click on Add Flow Variable

    iii) Create a integer variable named QueueCounter and set Default value to 0

  2. Set QueueCounter variable i) Drag and Drop SetVarible node

ii) In the variable select QueueCounter variable created

iii) In the set value type ``, Note: variable in the set node must always be typed inside ` ` braces

  1. Drag and Drop PlayMusic node and select Music File and set offset to 5

  2. Drag and Drop Condition node and set the condition to `` if True connect it to SetQCounter

  1. Drag and Drop PlayMessage node and select 2_high_call_volume.wav file and connect False output to PlayMessage node

  1. Drag and Drop Menu node and select 3_callback_menu.wav file and add 2 more custom links 1 and 2 for callback and Voicemail

  2. Set call back

i) Drag and Drop PlayMessage node and select 4_callback_confirm.wav file

ii) Drag and Drop Callback node and set callback Dial Number to NewPhoneContact.ANI and Static Queue to the queue created in lab 1

iii) connect DisconnectContact node to callback node

  1. Set Voicemail

i) Drag and Drop Blindtransfer node and set Number to +18005532447 which is Cisco TAC support number

ii) Repeat the same for optout menu as well

  1. Connect No-input Timeout and Unmatched Entry from Main menu to itself

  2. Connect No-input Timeout and Unmatched Entry from OptOut menu to SetQCounter node

  3. validate & Publish the flow

  1. Edit Current Routing Strategy and change the flow to Lab2

Lab Validation

Login to Agent Desktop and Keep the Agent in Not Ready State

i) To test the flow call the Dial Number configured and traverse Main Menu and press 1 ii) On the call back menu press 1 to leave Callback

  • Expected results

i) Caller should hear MOH for 10 seconds and then hear high_call_volume and offered an option to call back

ii) System should call the Agent first and then Customer and call should get connected between Agent and Customer

Expected Result

Dial the Number from your mobile phone and make sure to traverse through different menu and leave CallBack and Voicemail

Congratulations, you have completed Lab2 tasks!