Table of Contents



In the first 4 Lab, we Learned

  1. Bring the contact into Webex Contact Center and hear welcome message
  2. Queue the contact to Live Agent after hearing welcome prompt
  3. provide Menu option and an Opt-Out options to customer and validate CallBack Functionality
  4. HTTP based Data Dip to external WebServices to Pull Customer Information and POP that on Agent Desktop
  5. Dip to external database and validate if customer is premium/ Platinum customer and connect the contact immediately to Agent using Advanced Skill Based Routing
  6. When premium customer calls back, connect the contact back to preferred or last routed agent

Lab Objective

In this section, we will go over the steps that are required to do External Data DIP to validate customer is premium or not, if yes, connect the contact to preferred Agent

  1. External Data Dip to 3rd party Web Services
  2. Parsing the JSON to validate the customer is premium
  3. Connect to premium customer to preferred Agent using QueuetoAgent node

we are going to take this lab forward from Lab4, by copying the same Lab and adding a condition node to check if the customer is premium customer, if yes customer will be routed immediately to last agent routed based using QueuetoAgent Node


  • Basic IVR flow worked, caller can connect to WXCC and hear welcome music
  • Caller Successfully connect to Agent Desktop

Control Hub:
Agent Desktop:\

Lab Section


PreferredAgentRouting feature using QueuetoAgent Node gives the ability for a flow designer to directly target an agent(Last Agent routed) instead of making the contact wait in a Queue.


Copy the Lab4 flow by clicking on 3 dot and open the copied the flow

  1. Add a Flow Variable name Agent_Email and

Under HTTP Node Parse setting parse for Agent Email

Add the path expression as $.[0].Agent_Email

  1. Add a Condition node after MainMenu node and rename it to premium_Customer_Check and set the condition to

  1. Drag and drop QueuetoAgent node and select
Form options
Agent Variable Agent_Email
Agent Lookup Type Email
Reporting Queue Dummy_Queue
Recovery Queue Queue_SBR

After completely 3 steps mentioned above, the flow would look like below

Lab Validation

Dial the Number from your mobile phone

  1. Enter the Pin number of Gmail customer
  2. Upon hearing main menu option, press 1 to queue to Team 1

Expected Result

The call should get routed to Agent immediately with the queue name on Agetn Desktop as Dummy_Queue

Lab Support

Proctors is your number 1 contact. If you need assistance just raise your hand.

All registered participants are also added to the support room where the engineering and Product Management team is added. As an alternative way, you can use that space for any questions related to the Flow Control.

Congratulations, you have completed Lab5 tasks!